McDonald’s, the NCAA (and boy do they have their hands full with all the athletes tweeting about whatever pops into their heads), Sony, the Hard Rock Cafe and more. I’m not a big name brand; I’m just a sole proprietor running a copywriting business but Hootsuite works for me too. Hootsuite is a social Networking Tool that’s saving me time and money. If you’re a writer you want to spend more time writing and less time administrating. Hootsuite is helping me with this.
I write Facebook posts for multiple businesses, some of which have multiple FB pages and Hootsuite makes it easy to schedule posts in advance and send the same post out to multiple pages. It’s easily cut my posting time down by two-thirds. Which, leaves me more time to research and write better posts.
Better yet, a basic membership is free and a professional membership only costs $9.99 per month which is reasonable considering the value you get out of it. Whether you’re an individual or a team (Hootsuite accommodates both), you can make posts through one interface across multiple social media platforms and you can track your results (engagement) from the same window.
There’s some debate about whether or not Hootsuite posts are counted in Facebook’s engagement metrics, but the latest research seems to show that they count just as much as posts made by page admins directly on Facebook. Next time I’ll share my thoughts on what makes an engaging FB post (I am learning 🙂 ). In the meantime, check out Hootsuite and start spending more of your computing time hitting the keys instead of clicking your mouse.
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