June 27, 2012

Writing for search engines?

I’ve been freelance writing from Omaha now for about two years. I don’t know if any other freelance copywriters out there can relate, but the bulk of my work is coming from clients who need SEO-web content. It’s a strange new world for me as my background is quickly transforming from print to a world filled with WordPress,

Drupal, Google and SEO. While working on a recent assignment, someone told me that I needed to learn to think like a computer to write effective SEO content. Which begs the question – when writing for the web, are we writing for search engines or the humans who program them?

I believe effective writing is geared to the latter. So, here’s my tip for the week – when writing key word rich articles, be logical. Write in a way that makes sense and flows. Don’t force key words where they don’t belong. As with other mediums, readers know when they’re being sold to. Give your clients and their readers value by crafting content that is both compelling and strategic.

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